

我们的使命我们通过联系让生活更美好我们的愿景To be the trusted leader in mobility, delivering excellence and value to our customers and community我们的价值观We value passion, respect, diversity, trustworthiness, collaboration, and ownership.



作为RTD的总经理兼首席执行官, it is my privilege to deliver this update to the 2021-2026 战略计划, which was first approved by the agency’s Board of Directors in August 2021. 原始文件, 是两年多前开发的吗, 概述四项策略重点-社区价值, 卓越的客户, 员工所有制 and 经济上的成功 – that serve as the functional pillars by which RTD plans, 发展, 评估和衡量整体绩效.

从战略计划通过到现在, 作为需求, opportunities and challenges of the Denver metro region have continued to evolve, 重新评估这个计划是必要的. 虽然上述战略重点仍然健全, 该机构目前的运作环境发生了变化. RTD must pivot, as well, to prepare for and accommodate new realities.

Over the course of several strategy sessions held beginning in late 2022 and throughout 2023, agency leaders have collectively reviewed the 战略计划 with a new perspective. 在对战略重点进行批判性思考之后, 并考虑员工的反馈, 客户和社区调查, these individuals have proposed a narrowing of the plan’s focus – and correspondingly their team’s efforts – to initiatives and tactics they expect will yield the biggest difference in achieving success outcomes.

重点放在以下三个优先策略上, 如经修订的《澳博体育app》所述: 回归基础, 人民的力量 and Creating a 欢迎过境环境. 这些策略与战略计划的总体目标一致, 以及该机构的使命, 愿景, 和价值观. Bottom line: This updated 战略计划 you see before you brings further clarity and focus to the agency’s business.

Like the public it serves, RTD is in a different place than it was two years ago. 许多客户的工作和出行模式已经发生了变化. 有些人较少使用该机构的系统, 其他更多的, and still others on different days or in different ways than they used to. 每天都有新顾客第一次乘坐公共交通工具. The dedicated employees with whom I have the privilege to work every day remain focused on delivering safe, 一致的, 为这些客户提供有价值的优质服务, 以及整个地区.

我对RTD的员工表示衷心的感谢, 他们每个人都对执行这个计划至关重要. 同时也感谢该机构的客户, 没有他,RTD就不需要我们了, 包括我. 这个更新的计划——就像RTD的服务一样——是为你准备的. It presents the intentionality needed to make lives better through connections.


黛布拉一. 约翰逊


RTD’s four 战略重点 are the functional pillars used to plan, 开发, 评估, and measure the agency’s overall performance throughout the life cycle of the 2021-2026 战略计划.
社会价值RTD努力成为一个强大的社区合作伙伴, providing value to customers as well as to the broader Denver metro region while sustaining planet Earth. 成功结果:社区价值指数提高5%.
卓越的客户RTD始终致力于提供高质量的客户服务. 成功结果:增加客户净推荐值5%. 
员工所有制RTD seeks to attract and retain a highly skilled and engaged workforce. 成功结果:增加员工净推荐值5%.
经济上的成功RTD takes very seriously the management of all financial resources. Success Outcome: 50% of outcome is that RTD spends less money than it receives; and 50% of outcome is that the community believes that it sees value in RTD’s spending.




The 2023-24 战略行动 reflect a renewed collective focus to deliver meaningful progress toward established success outcomes. These initiatives have been interwoven into the Fiscal Year 2024 budget as well as work plans created by employees throughout the agency.



RTD strives to enhance the reach and impact of internal communications and to redouble agency efforts to maintain assets in a state of good repair leveraging sound asset management principles



认识到人民的重要性, 中情局最重要的资源, 为了完成机构的使命, RTD seeks to vigorously address impediments to recruitment and retention efforts and to foster a culture of learning and 开发ment.



RTD seeks to reduce the impacts of criminal behaviors and Code of Conduct violations on agency services and workplaces and, 这样做的时候, to improve community and employee perception of personal and public security on RTD property and vehicles.




  1. Integrate a management system that leverages asset information to make optimal asset investment decisions
  2. 记录、沟通、监控和交付计划
  3. 展示对铁路基础设施的承诺


  1. Create a plan to leverage the opportunities for improvement outlined in the recent assessment of the Asset Information Maturity (AIM) objective
  2. Deliver a process that systematically removes roadblocks and increases organizational throughput
  3. 最终确定市区环线更换计划



  1. Improve the percentage of agreement on the employee survey regarding the following statement: I am adequately informed about agency news, 项目, 和计划
  2. Share more information across RTD that meaningfully engages employees
  3. Ensure that supervisors are providing direct reports and teams with agency updates
  4. 建立一种认可的文化


  1. 审查所有现有的内部沟通工作
  2. 审核内部沟通的流程和方法
  3. 开发和实现内容提交流程
  4. Develop and implement a plan to measure success and track the ROI of internal communications
  5. Finalize and share a comprehensive internal communications plan with the Leadership Team




  1. 增加两名全职招聘人员
  2. Implement eSkills program across all disciplines for skill evaluation efficiency
  3. Create a dashboard of reliable reports to help RTD compete better in the workplace
  4. 审查, 分析, and refine RTD’s current recruitment and selection process to expedite the acquisition of the right talent, 以合适的角色, and at the right time to address the agency’s current and future talent vacancies


  1. 与招聘经理建立每月的招聘会议
  2. 为招聘单位增加额外的工作人员
  3. 创建工作日仪表盘
  4. 开发和实施技能培训项目



  1. 培训至少400名经理和主管
  2. 在RTD中创造一种培训和学习的文化


  1. 为经理和主管提供培训
  2. 为继续教育制定学习计划
  3. 为所有员工提供所需的工具和培训
  4. 增加经理和主管对自己角色的信心




  1. 减少犯罪率(A组)3%
  2. 将社区净推动者得分提高5分


  1. Hire additional officers and place them based on monthly crime data analysis
  2. Attend meetings, maintain high visibility within the service area and implement new technology
  3. Adhere to Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) standards



  1. 减少犯罪率(A组)3%
  2. 将员工净推荐值提高5分


  1. 对所有巴士营运商进行有效的降级培训
  2. Board of Directors consideration of updated Customer Code of Conduct
  3. 提高警察在犯罪数据地点的能见度
  4. 实现实时查询系统
  5. Attend safety meetings, maintain high visibility and implement new technology